
Going Deeper: Studying the Bible (Self-Directed)

Time limit: 90 days

$20 Enroll

Full course description

Please note: This is a self-directed section of the Studying the Bible course. Those interested in a synchronous, interactive learning experience should choose the Studying the Bible: Going Deeper (Synchronous, Interactive) course.

The course is designed to help learners study the Bible more deeply for personal growth, Bible class teaching, or preparing for group discussions. It is accessible to all learners, whether beginning how to study the Bible or seeking to deepen their understanding.

This involves both historical and critical skills for exegesis but also theological and missional hermeneutics for living out the story of God in the present. The course contains no agenda about contemporary issues but develops skills for reading and teaching Scripture in healthy ways towards equipping of the people of God for every good work.

Using selected readings, videos, and activities, the course will introduce learners to a way of studying the Bible that pays attention to the dramatic plot of Scripture, its different genres, close reading of the biblical text (often called exegesis), and understanding its theological meaning in the context of the whole Bible.

Learners may expect to complete the course in 20-25 hours, depending on how many activities they engage and the amount of reading they choose to do.

This is the asynchronous, self-directed Studying the Bible course. The learner will move through the modules at their own pace. They will study the material on their own and independently. The resources of the course will be available for 90 days. The cost for this offering is $20. Registration for this course is always open.